

How many times have you asked God, the Universe or whomever it is you’re seeking for guidance to show you a sign? What if you received the picture numerous times but the quality was blurry? How many times will it take for you to gain focus on that picture? Many times we are seeking an answer to questions and situations while forgetting to refocus our mindset to receive what may already be crystal clear.


This is needed in any situation whether it’s a relationship, friendship or in business. In order for us to clear our minds so that we can receive the abundance when it’s time, decluttering is necessary. We have to release any toxins and anything that no longer serves as a peaceful place in our lives. Your mind, body and soul will start to see and feel things in a whole different light. You’ll gain A New You!

Shantana Hazel

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A New Me: Mind, Body, Health & Wellness Journal

By: Shantana Maye

Get Your Copy Today!


Courage & Gratitude


Thinking Out Loud