We pledge a promise and commitment to you.
About the Sister Girl Foundation
The Sister Girl Foundation is a non-profit organization geared towards providing awareness, education, support, and advocacy to women with Endometriosis, Breast and Ovarian Cancers. We are committed towards helping women throughout their journey by providing advocacy, support groups, education resources, workshops and events to bring the community together. We also offer specialized workshop courses for healthcare providers help promote patient-centered healthcare. Our courses help bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers to encourage healthy relationship building and provide ways to better advocate and support women’s health.
Meet The Founder
The Sister Girl Foundation was inspired by Shantana Hazel — a Bridgeport, CT native. Shantana's passions stemmed from her own health journey of surviving Endometriosis for over 33 years and the lack of awareness, education, and support there was throughout her community. Her mission of no more suffering in silence rings proudly to women living with Endometriosis, Breast Cancer, and Ovarian Cancers all across the world. Determined to ensure that all women would have access to the tools to achieve a better quality of life, Shantana founded the Sister Girl Foundation, Inc. providing essential education, awareness, advocacy and support.
Shantana has received countless awards and proclamations from the State of Connecticut, State of New York: Brooklyn Borough, State of Massachusetts, State of California, and Washington, District of Columbia for her dedication, support and advocacy work towards women’s healthcare throughout many different communities across the country. Shantana has also self-published 2 books, 28 Ways on How to Advocate For Your Healthcare and A New Me: Mind, Body, Soul, Health & Wellness journal to aid women along their healthcare Journal.
Meet the Sister Girls
Our Team
Our Sister Girl team members bring years of experience to help provide women with outstanding advocacy and support throughout their journeys. Get to know each of Sister Girls

Who We’ve Worked With
The Sister Girl Foundation has successfully partnered with many hospitals and doctor’s offices providing advocacy assistance for their patients. Our longstanding 10 year+ partnership with the American Cancer Society has helped us serve over 60,000 breast cancer patients and their families.
Patient Governors with Creaky Joints & Global Healthy Living Foundation
Arthritis Power 2.0
Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical company
City of Bridgeport’s Health Department Advisory Board (preventable and communicable diseases) sub-committee
Yale Discovery To Cure “Beverly Levy Ovarian Cancer Walk”
Junior Women’s Club of Fairfield
Lucinda Cross Activate Ambassador for the State of Connecticut
Worldwide EndoMarch Connecticut Ambassador