Choose Your Care
1 in 10 women are affected by endometriosis — that’s approximately 176,000 women and girls worldwide. “Killer Cramps” aren’t normal and you don’t have to suffer in silence. On average, patients experience an 8 to 10 year delay in receiving a diagnosis and typically see 8 physicians before officially being diagnosed. The Sister Girl Foundation can help you take charge of your healthcare today.
Breast Cancer
1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC). It is one of the most common cancers affecting American Women, second to various skin cancers. Early detection of Breast Cancer is key to increasing your quality of life during your journey. Find out how the Sister Girl Foundation can help you schedule your mammogram today.
Ovarian Cancer
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Ovarian cancer is the 8th most common cancer and the 5th leading cause of death amongst women. Approximately 21,000 women in the U.S. will get diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year. Find out how the Sister Girl Foundation can help prepare you for your journey.