Check-In Time: Kids, Depression, Self-Care & a Pandemic!
It's TAKE CARE TUESDAY & we're dedicating today to the Kiddos
We're not the only ones who had to make drastic changes over the course of this Pandemic!
Our Babies are dealing with it also. Regardless if your States/Countries are open now or not. Kids suffer with depression too. They've endured so much with virtual learning, no socializing or making new friends, missing family, ect.
You'll be surprised how beneficial these tips can be to you & your kid(s).
• CHECK-IN TIME: Ask them about their day on a daily basis. Try sharing your day with them also. This helps them open up more
Create a safe & loving space for them to open up.
• NO JUDGEMENT ZONE: Effectively listen to be supportive without dismissing their emotions/concerns. Make sure they feel heard
• SPENDING QUALITY TIME (one on one): Meet them where they are. Even if that means letting them beat you in playing video/board games, helping cook, making their favorite snacks, a day at the park/beach, bike riding, watching movies, date night (yes, a kiddo date night), ect.
In this process you could teach them about self-care & it's importance (or learn together). You can even assist in creating a calendar/journal of some sort with fun & relaxing things to do individually & as a family. Depending on age group, try adding stickers & color to your chart.
• ASK FOR HELP: This would be a great time to tap into your village/t.r.i.b.e. (grandparents, aunties, uncles, big bros/sis, ect. Don't be afraid to seek professional help if & when needed.
• Pay Attention to your child's behavior. They may be sleeping a lot, keeping to themselves more, easily aggravated, aggressive, not as talkative, changes in sleep pattern, ect. Whether big or small changes, take notice.
Mind, Body & Soul Healing for the family
TAKE CARE TUESDAY: Special Edition- A Pandemic & it’s affects on our kids.
Depression is real!